Integrators, Administrators
Install and configure your SpinalCore information system, build your digital twin with the studio and use the data in the SpinalTwin suite applications or make the data available through the SpinalCore BOS API Gateway
What does it mean to install, integrate and configure a SpinalCore information system and a SpinalTwin digital twin?
Each building or asset that you manage or manage via a digital twin is unique. This uniqueness is reflected as follows:
The assembly of applications or information system bricks is unique -> it will therefore be necessary to deploy and configure different connectors on each asset and to configure them specifically for this asset (PLCs, SSI, CMMS, room reservations ...). As this assembly is based on many connections with applications, bricks coming from various publishers, it will be important to administer the system in such a way as to follow the evolutions of each brick of the system.
The architecture of the building is unique -> the organization of the representative database of the building (its digital twin) will be unique and will require a specific configuration for each asset. As part of SpinalCore systems, the database structure is made from 3D models representative of the asset (CAD or BIM for example)
In order to create this unique BIS information system, dedicated to your building, SpinalCom offers a set of quality tools and processes to structure the data and organize its deployments. These steps are explained later in this integrating resource center.